
‘I would never teach what I had not mastered myself. And I often learnt the hard way, so I know every pitfall to avoid'
Frankie Cote - Founder, Be Infinity
So as you can see, I've tried many different things. Some were great fun and others ended in a lot of tears.
After all this exploration I decided that the answer was not to be found out there in the world. That perhaps I had been carrying it all along, somewhere deep inside.
I became fascinated as to how I managed to find success in many different fields, whilst also failing so dramatically in other aspects of my life. I became curious as to how I had achieved all that I had set out to whilst somehow building a life that made me miserable and suicidal. Shouldn’t doing what you want make you happy?!
Soon, I became enthralled by all the positive and negative transformations I'd made with my physical and mental health and I took the time to read widely, enroll in courses and learn the established techniques of personal mastery. And it was only then that it dawned on me. Every transformation I'd made, for example from a morbid 320lbs to a healthy 180lbs or from a shy child in school to popstar performing to 1400 people, had been the same.That the steps used to get out of somewhere we aren't sure we want to be anymore, and eventually arrive at a place we never want to leave are always the same.
So I spent a year working on a framework for transformation and applied it to my life as I went along. The impact was staggering:
I discovered what I was meant to do with my life and finally understood my purpose.
I saved relationships and friendships by resolving personal issues.
I went from a diet of high fat, dairy and carbs to one that is fully plant based.
I overcame alcoholism and addiction.
I escaped the rat race and now live the life of a digital nomad.
I found peace living on my own terms.
I chose happiness, love and joy.
So naturally, I had many people ask me what my secret was. And quite honestly, I couldn't contain my excitement. So I promised that I would make this framework accessible to all, that I would dedicate my life to coaching people through this system and that I would help others live their purpose.
I've now worked with many clients and helped them discover their purpose.
I've been a successful performing artist singing songs I wrote in my bedroom as a teenager to crowds of 1400+ people by the age of 21.
I've been a daily radio presenter for a digital radio station and content creator for the UK national prison service radio station, with my mini documentary packages being heard by approximately 33,000 prisoners across the UK.
I've been a Director of Strategic Partnerships at an advertising technology business, tasked with direct business growth.
I've been a care worker working one-to-one with severely autistic young adults.
I've been a poet who once wrote 443 poems in 443 consecutive days and published them online.
I've been a severe and suffering alcoholic on the verge of life threatening liver cirrhosis.
I've been a drug user, who once bombed ketamine and MDMA and washed it down with a bottle of champagne.
I've been Suicidal, with 2 failed attempts.
I've been 140lbs overweight, and utterly miserable.
Since I was very young I’ve wanted to live life on my own terms. To live with purpose and control. As a result of this, I started exploring what life had to offer early. Before the age of 30:
Interested in finding your purpose?